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Coaching sectional rehearsals at the Denver Young Artists Orchestra.

I love helping students reach their goals and finding meaning in music.


I have taught individual lessons for 8 years, Including four years of instructing students at the college level as an adjunct professor at New York University and graduate assistant at University of Northern Colorado. As a sectional coach, I have coached Denver Young Artists Orchestra, Cherry Creek School District's High School Honor Orchestra, Celogio Menor Schools orchestra (from Ecuador), and Greeley West High School. It is a blessing to me that I could motivate a group of passionate students. I have been in high schools around Greeley, CO to lecture about music appreciation on contemporary music and Piazzolla when I was promoting th50 State Sonata Project by composer Stephanie Ann Boyd. 

Please contact me with any teaching inquiries.

Visiting Greeley West High School for the 50 State Sonata Project.

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