All Angles爵士交响大乐团荣获美国爵士权威杂志Downbeat评选的2018全美最佳学生爵士大乐团。该乐团的原创专辑《New Angles》于2017年发售。这是以古典交响配器加上爵士乐节奏组所组成的原创乐团,向2004年由Brecker兄弟领衔的Wide Angles格莱美获奖专辑乐队致敬。《New Angles》专辑请到当年专辑里的小号大师,格莱美提名Alex Sipiagin参与录制,并有幸在2018美国北科罗拉多大学爵士节与当年的创作者,格莱美获奖小号大师Randy Brecker同台演出。王敬宣担任这个乐团的第一小提琴手,于2017年与该乐团在美国巡回演出。
All Angles Orchestra in the studio with jazz artist Alex Sipiagin.
As you could probably see on All Angles Orchestra's page that the jazz people known me as Sherry Wang. I am beyond honored to have been invited to be one of the members playing some Jazz and contemporary tunes with the group. The All Angles Orchestra was chosen the winner of the Arts Innovation Award hosted by the University of Northern Colorado. Our first CD album was recorded in March 2017, and we had a CD release tour in Midwest United States in the summer of 2017. The album "New Angle" can be found on iTunes at: